Live Tuesdays @ 9PM CST on PATV 18 in Iowa City. | Call in: 319-3388-456 | Email:

May 19, 2010

New Jubi Show: Next Week

Filed under: Episodes,LIVE,Maintenance — Brian @ 12:43 pm

Reruns May 18 & 19. But with the end of LOST only days away (sadness!!!), The Jubi Show will be returning to the scene with a new LIVE episode Tuesday May 25th. We hope this eases the pain in your heart that comes with the end of LOST, your very favorite show on the tele.

Unfortunately we will not be able to stream the show live on the web as PATV’s internets are scheduled to be down (for exciting upgrade purposes), but Iowa City residents can surely watch it right on their cable vision, and the rest of y’all can watch it here on the world wide wad as early as Wed. the 26th (probably). You think you gonna like that?? Huh? Huuh? Uhh huh huh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???????????

“Better” is a better way to put it. Use the word “better”. -Mark Twain

March 8, 2008

Content Delivery and Feedback Request

Filed under: Episodes,Maintenance — Hans @ 2:09 pm

I’ve been looking around at other sites for providing video to you consumed consumptors, and I think I’ve found an excellent secondary, and almost certainly new primary, in They’ve been around awhile, have better video quality, and have a better setup than Google video. I am currently uploading all the past episodes to the service and will be replacing the Google versions as I progress. I will still be uploading to Google video, but I will no longer be embedding them on the Jubi Show site.

To see the new digs, go to this address:

We’re still working on live streaming…I think I have the problem identified, just have to test things out. For that our provider will be, and our show page is here: Not too much there at the moment, but I hear that Jake pops in and broadcasts every so often.

Finally, we have received what I take as a half-serious request for the show to be put out on DVD. If there is truly an interest for it, we have the technology and chutzpah to do so. It just that this poses a question of the Jubi Show that we haven’t had to deal with yet: monetary value. I’m pretty sure everyone is down with putting such a thing out, and recouping expenses, but this could be a way to ‘fund’ the show as well, beyond the donate button at the right side of the screen. It’s a strange idea, the Jubi Show With A Budget. So, rabid masses, should I be firing up the Dvd Jublication Matrix-o-tron and cattle prodding the others into art and design, or do we keep costs down and keep with online distribution? Post below, call in, mail in, whatever…just looking for opinions.

After all that, I would also like to say thank you to the viewers, (e)mailers, and callers for helping out with this show. It’s a fun experience to share.

January 13, 2008

S2E06 – Home-Served Flash Test

Filed under: Episodes,Maintenance,Season 2 — Epsiodes @ 2:42 pm

This will be the test post for pushing eps out with Flash all by ourselves. If it works it will help bridge the gap between Google encodes and absolutely nothing. We will still put stuff out via Google for ‘syndication’.

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

September 18, 2007

No live show again on 9/20 maybe!

Filed under: Episodes,Maintenance — Jake @ 3:36 pm

I know we went through all of that planning on last week’s show, but this Thursday night is the last bike in theater at PATV. Also, some of us are busy on Thursday night apparently and it looks like maybe we won’t be able to do it. That’s not to say that there MIGHT not be something there instead, but we just probably won’t be live.

July 30, 2007

We’re Still Around

Filed under: Maintenance — Hans @ 10:22 am

It is just that I have not been available for web-related activities, and other jubinauts seem uninterested in posting their own musings.

Such is the folly of vacationings. Thursday we shall return to our relatively unscheduled programming.

Until then, kill time over at xkcd. A sample of the wares:

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